Our Projects

Varanus Island Tank Life Extension



Varanus Island, Western Australia
Crude Oil
Varanus Island Tank Life Extension Image 1 Varanus Island Tank Life Extension 1

Santos is an Australian natural gas company. Established in 1954, the company is proud to deliver the economic and environmental benefits of natural gas to homes and businesses throughout Australia and Asia.

With extensive experience in the safe execution of tank construction and maintenance projects, Primero has been repeatedly engaged to deliver sustaining capital projects for Santos at Varanus Island. Successful project delivery that has culminated in the safe execution of over 45,000 manhours on the island.

The Varanus Island hub has a reliable capacity of 290TJ of gas per day and provides ongoing benefits to Western Australia by ensuring an independent gas supply into the DBNGP.

Tank C

In May 2017, Santos (formally Quadrant Energy) engaged Primero to execute multiple scopes of work regarding the 16-year life extension of the 57m diameter, 250,000-barrel crude oil storage Tank C-101. Tank C is one of three main crude oil tanks used by Santos for storage before processing and exporting at Varanus Island. While executing the Tank C works, Santos retained the services of Primero to execute the 13m diameter T-201 water tank floor repair scope.


  • Design analysis, procurement and structural repairs to comply with API 650 & API 653 requirements.
  • Re-plating of primary wind girder, ~180 linear meters.
  • Patch plating of secondary wind girder where excessive corrosion was identified.
  • Repairs to the tank shell where excessive corrosion was identified.
  • Design, fabrication and installation of the foam deluge system including foam deluge ring main and foam dam wall on the tank floating roof.
  • Tank floor repairs where excessive corrosion was established.
  • Management of all site welding, materials control and NDT testing.

Primero was able to rapidly deploy in-house resources when required, thus fast-tracking components of the schedule. Over 20,000 manhours were worked LTI free.

Tank B

In February 2019, Primero was invited to return to Varanus Island and complete a tank floor and wind girder support replacement project following the success of the C Tank maintenance the year prior. Tank B-101 is the second of three main crude oil tanks used by Santos for storage prior to processing and exporting at Varanus Island.


  • Design, procurement and structural repairs to comply with API 650 & API 653 requirements.
  • Fitting new floor over existing floor, 1540 linear meters welding.
  • Change position of 12 tank nozzles, replace 2x ‘clean outdoors’ and roof drain replacement.
  • Replaced 128 Primary and Secondary wind girder supports.
  • Management of all site welding, materials control and NDT testing.

The project was executed ahead of schedule, incident free and culminated in some fantastic feedback.